100% NZ MADE
KIDS FURNITURE / KIDS STOOL - The Arc Assistant is:
* 100% New Zealand Made
* 100% Designed in New Zealand
* 100% Developed in New Zealand
* The Arc Assistant has been tested at an accredited independent laboratory in New Zealand and complies with the following sections of the Australia/New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 8124:1 2016 and AS/NZS 2172 2013: Stability test 5.12.6, Overload test 5.12.5, Tension test 5.24.6, Projection test 4.8, Reasonably foreseeable abuse test 5.24.3 and Label testing 11. Please note, The Arc Assistant has not been tested to the highchair or the full standards for the cots or toys, as it is does not fall within these categories and there is no specified testing for children's stools in NZ.
Why is it important that our Arc Assistant is not only designed, but made in NZ?
* Reduce potential environmental impact through not importing heavy products from China
* Support local Kiwi businesses
* Give you the best quality workmanship. At Arc NZ Baby, we believe in supporting 'the man next door'