Blog - Review by Carly Flynn
Review by Carly Flynn
When we first found out baby number three was arriving we were ecstatic. Our two bigger kids would be at school so the time was right to become a family of 5.
I was however wary of all the “stuff” that comes with having a baby that is only useful for a short period and clutters up the house.
My mantra has been to buy once and buy well this time round, and borrow as much as we can (unlike with my firstborn where everything had to be new!)
So when it came to a high chair and time to start solids, I couldn’t go past the brand new ARC NZ BABY 5 in 1 design, for it’s function, form and durability.
Not only is it a highchair, but it also converts into a super useful toddler safety fun stool for when Freddie is old enough to stand, a toy box, island bench and book shelf!
It’s made in NZ, water resistant and safety tested and best of all it looks good too! The scandi-style complements our home and is not just another piece of plastic that’ll end up in landfill in 2 years time.
We’ve been using ours for a few weeks and feel so confident with it. The 5point harness keeps Freddie strapped in beautifully and the veneer bench is wipeable – I’ve even taken it outside after a particularly messy pumpkin experience and hosed it off!
What’s more we didn’t have to have a divorce over putting it together, as it simply slots together in 90”. No screwdriver needed!
The hardest decision is which incarnation you’ll set it up in first! Thanks ARC NZ BABY for coming up with this genius Kiwi Made design. It’ll be in our home for years to come.